Lexie Adams - Mason Fellowship
Lexie has served as the ChemE Recruitment Committee Chair in 2023 and 2024. Beyond the department, Lexie participates as an academic coach with the CTL (Center for Teaching and Learning), serving as a mentor to students across Stanford.
Here are some excerpts from the nominations received:
“Lexie has been instrumental in the operation of the past two graduate student recruitments as co-chair and then sole chair this year. Many of the new students have cited her leadership as reasons why they committed to Stanford.”
“Lexie Adams has made a positive impact on the department and the broader Stanford community since her arrival.”
Lexie’s “outstanding dedication, passion, and service to introducing prospective students to the department have supported community building within the graduate student population and beyond.”
Lexie’s “excellent attention to detail, ability to delegate, willingness to contribute, and her devotion to ensuring that all students feel welcome and informed during their visit creates a strong sense of belonging for prospective students. This feeling of belonging builds a foundation for the rest of their PhD career with our department.”
This prestigious award has been made possible by the Mason Lectureship fund. It is a 3-quarter fellowship, funding the student’s quarterly stipend at the level of a SGF as well as tuition, awarded to a graduate student who provided leadership to the student community and who went above and beyond to serve the department outside of their normal studies and research. We want to recognize outstanding dedication and efforts for contributing to the department and serving the graduate student community as a whole. The Mason Fellowship will be presented at the Mason Lecture banquet by the donor. The Mason Fellowship will be awarded to one student.