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Chemical Engineering Faculty Research

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Stanford Nano Shared Facility staffer Xiaoqing Xu works on the metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) system.

Faculty Research Topics

Our Chemical Engineering research groups are currently focusing on:

Monther Abu-Remaileh | Metabolism, Biotechnology, Neurodegeneration
Zhenan Bao | Flexible Electronics, Bioelectronics, Batteries
Stacey Bent | Surface, Catalysis, Batteries, Microelectronics
Matteo Cargnello | Nanocrystals, Catalysis, Sustainability
Joseph DeSimone | Polymer Science, Additive Manufacturing
Alexander Dunn | Protein Engineering, Mechanobiology
Gerald Fuller | Complex Liquids, Emulsions, Biofilms
Xiaojing Gao | Synthetic Biology
Brian Hie | Machine Learning, Protein Engineering
Thomas Jaramillo | Catalysis, Sustainability, Energy
Chaitan Khosla | Enzymology, Metabolism
Danielle Mai | Biopolymers, Soft Materials
Rebecca Pinals | Nanobiotechnology, Neurodegeneration, Neurovascular Tissue Engineering
Jian Qin | Theory/Modeling, Charged Polymers
Elizabeth Sattely | Plant Chemistry for Plant & Human Health
Eric Shaqfeh | Complex Fluids, Computational Modeling
Andrew Spakowitz | Modeling, Polymers, Biomaterials
Alfred Spormann | Microorganisms, Energy Health
James Swartz | Biotechnology, Protein Engineering, Vaccines
Sho Takatori | Complex Fluids, Soft Materials, Data-Driven Computational Modeling
William Tarpeh | Catalysis, Separations, Water Treatment

Major Achievements

The following achievements have been made in the field of Chemical Engineering by researchers at Stanford and beyond:

  • Development of materials for green energy technologies, including solar cells, batteries, and catalysts for chemical conversion.
  • Design and synthesis of next generation flexible and stretchable electronics for wearable and implantable electronics, chemical sensors, and robotics.
  • Production of life-saving antibiotics such as penicillin and vaccines for diseases from polio to COVID-19.
  • Establishment of mass-production technologies (including cell-free and plant-based synthesis) of protein therapeutics such as insulin, human growth-hormone, and monoclonal antibodies.
  • Discovery of nitrogen-fixing fertilizers and water-purification technologies that revolutionize food production and stem world hunger.
  • Revolutionized manufacturing by developing 3D printing materials and technologies.
  • Engineering plants to make them more nutritious, weather resistance or to produce useful chemicals.
  • Characterization of the physical properties of living systems, providing targeted treatment of bacterial infection in cancer tissue and implanted devices, chronic dry eye, and COVID-19.
  • Waste water treatment and recovery of valuable products.
Chem-H Building

Research & Training Centers

The research groups within our department benefit from the unique research environment at Stanford University. Our faculty are associated with a number of Research and Training Centers at Stanford University that provide experimental facilities as well as training opportunities.

Bio-X | Institute for Biosciences
Cancer Institute | SoM
Cardiovascular Institute | SoM
ChEM-H | Chemistry, Engineering & Medicine for Human Health
Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence Institute
ICME | Institute for Computational & Mathematical Engineering
Maternal & Child Health Research Institute | SoM
NIH Graduate Training Program in Biotechnology
Precourt Institute for Energy
Stanford Wearable Electronics Initiative (eWEAR)
SUNCAT | Center for Interface Science and Catalysis
TomKat | Center for Sustainable Energy
Woods Institute for the Environment
Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute